Judges Letters

These are letters that were sent to Prince George’s County judges, arranged in chronological order, with the most recent letters at the top. The names and case numbers, as well as personally identifying information, have been redacted to protect the privacy of the loved ones.


Conduct of Judge Cobb Smith – 2/12/2024

Conduct of Judge Patrice Lewis – 1/29/24

The Court’s Audio System Violates Rights – 1/16/24

Conduct of Judge Carrington – 1/16/24

Conduct of Judge Dorsainvil – 1/16/24

Praise for Judge Allen – 1/16/24

Community Member Pushed into Mental Health Court – 12/22/23

Conduct of Judge Nyce regarding Pretrial Services – 12/22/23

Conduct of Judge Snoddy – 12/22/23

The Court’s Audio System Violates Rights – 12/22/23

Return-Only Cases – 12/22/23

Conduct of Judge Denton – 12/19/23

Praise for Judge Carrington – 12/19/23

Danger to the Community – 12/8/23

Conduct of Judge Bielec – 11/27/23

Conduct of Judge Patrice Lewis – 11/8/23

Delayed Mental Health Evaluations – 11/8/23

Jailed for Homelessness or Language Barriers – 11/8/23

Conduct of Judge Simpkins – 10/10/23

Conduct of Judge Wagner-Stewart – 10/10/23

Incorrect Court Dates Given – 10/10/23

Old Warrants Abused for Cycle of Incarceration – 10/10/23

Conduct of Judge Denton – 9/25/23

Conduct of Judge Patrice Lewis – 9/25/23

Treatment of Unhoused Community Members – 9/25/23

Conduct of Judge Patrice Lewis – 8/28/23

Errors by Judge Dorsainvil – 8/28/23

Vague or Unreasonable Conditions of Release – 8/15/23

Conduct of Judge Wagner-Stewart – 7/31/23

Harsh and Arbitrary Conditions of Release – 7/17/23

Ineligible Referrals to Pretrial Services – 7/17/23

Use of Legal Jargon by Judge Clark-Edwards – 7/17/23

Concerns for Juvenile Community Members – 7/5/23

Conduct of Judge Aarons – 7/5/23

Conduct of Judge Bereano – 7/5/23

Judge Denton’s Use of FTA Percentages – 7/5/23

Making a Basic Right into a Meaningless Chant – 7/5/23

Immigration Status Considered Flight Risk – 6/13/23

A Persistent False Account of Bond Hearings – 5/30/23

Conduct of Judge Clark-Edwards – 5/30/23

Return-Only Case Results in Extended Jail Time for Community Member – 5/30/23

Conduct of Judge Varner Lewis – 5/15/23

Conduct of Judges Snoddy and Simpkins – 5/1/23

Refusal to Reset – 5/1/23

Seven Nights in Jail – 5/1/23

Allowing People to Be Present at Their Own Hearings – 4/17/23

Conduct of Judge Patrice Lewis – 4/17/23

Return-Only Case Results in Extended Jail Time – 4/17/23

Unofficial, Unpublicized “Rules” Hold Community Members in Jail – 4/17/23

Casual Detention with No Hearing – 4/3/23

Conduct of Judge Carrington – 4/3/23

Detention of a Child – 4/3/23

Conduct of Judge Patrice Lewis – 3/14/23

Loved Ones Held without Valid Bond Hearings – 3/14/23

Unreasonable Bonds – 3/14/23

Clarification of Bond Ruling – 2/28/23

Mistaken Detention – 2/28/23

Unreasonable Rulings – 2/28/23

Conduct of Judge Simpkins – 2/16/23

Praise for Judges Nyce and Carrington – 2/16/23

Abdicating Instead of Ruling – 1/31/23

Conduct of Judge Denton – 1/31/23

Failure to Provide Guidance – 1/31/23

Conduct of Judge Snoddy – 1/17/23

Conduct of Judge Steuart – 1/17/23

Conduct of Judge Bereano – 12/21/22

Unreasonable Bonds – 12/21/22

Denial of Affordable Reasonable Bond – 12/6/22

Conduct of Judge Clark-Edwards – 11/22/22

Conduct of Judge Varner Lewis – 11/22/22

Contrasting Mental Health Cases – 11/22/22

Praise for Judge Aarons – 11/9/22

Praise for Judge Powell – 11/9/22

Unaffordable Bonds – 11/9/22

Praise for Judge Carrington – 10/14/22

Judge Lewis Unaffordable Bonds – 10/3/22

Harsh Ruling by Judge Bielec – 9/28/22

Conduct of Judge Simpkins– 9/28/22

Conduct of Judge Steuart – 9/28/22

Commendation for Judge Bielec – 9/14/22

Concerns about Judge Varner Lewis – 9/14/22

Commendation for Judge Powell – 8/16/22

Commendation for Judge Snoddy – 8/16/22

Conduct of Judge Nyce – 8/2/22

Unaffordable Bonds – 8/2/22

Concern about Children – 7/6/22

Proceeding without Adequate Counsel – 7/6/22

Return-Only Cases – 7/6/22

Unaffordable Bond – 7/6/22

Conduct of Judge Aarons – 6/22/22

Conduct of Judge Patrice Lewis – 6/22/22

Failure to Advise on Self-Representation – 6/22/22

Pressure for Inadequate Representation – 6/11/22

Referral to Specialty Court without Consent – 6/11/22

Concern for Community Member with Autistic Child – 5/25/22

Conduct of Judge Denton – 5/25/22

Ineligible Referral to Specialty Court – 5/25/22

Praise for Judge Powell – 5/25/22

Unreasonable Detention of Caretaker – 5/25/22

Conduct of Judge P. Lewis – 5/11/22

Considering Caretaker Responsibilities – 5/11/22

Unaffordable Bond – 5/11/22

Appreciation for Judge Bereano – 4/27/22

Unaffordable Bond– 4/27/22

Mental Health Court Referrals – 4/13/22

Praise for Judge Carrington – Care for Juveniles – 4/13/22

Treatment of Juveniles – 3/15/22

Denial of Affordable and Reasonable Bond – 3/15/22

Denial of Affordable Bond– 3/1/22

Conduct of Judge Aarons – 2/15/22

Conduct of Judge Carrington toward Non-English-Speaker – 2/15/22

Holding Out-of-State Community Members without Bond for Flight Risk – 2/15/22

Return-Only Case Results in More Jail Time – 2/15/22

Conduct of Judge Varner Lewis – 1/18/22

Conduct of Judge Denton – 12/14/21

Conduct of Judge Varner-Lewis – 12/7/21

Conduct of Judge Denton – 11/23/21

Ambiguous and Unfair Release Conditions – 11/23/21

Detention without Bond, and Specialty Courts – 11/23/21

Conduct of Judge Cobb Smith – 11/9/21

Conduct of Judge Aarons – 11/5/21

Conduct of Judge P. Lewis – 11/5/21

Judge Simpkins Unaffordable Bond – 10/13/21

Conduct of Judge Bereano – 10/5/21

Use of Pretrial Option by Judges – 10/1/21

Unaffordable and Excessive Bond by Judges – 10/1/21

Conduct of Judge Carrington – 10/1/21

Praise for Judge Heffron – 9/14/21

Conduct of Judge Varner Lewis – 9/14/21

Conduct of Judge Allen – 9/14/21

Conduct of Judge Allen – 9/8/21

Conduct of Judge Varner Lewis – 8/25/21

Conduct of Judge Denton – 8/25/21

Conduct of Judge Denton – Homeless/Jobless – 8/25/21

Conduct of Judge Snoddy – 8/17/21

Unequal Bond Based on Means – 8/17/21

Bond Review For Juveniles – 8/12/21

Praise for Judge Heffron’s Concern For Mental Health Treatment – 8/12/21

Unaffordable Bonds by Judges – 8/12/21

Judges Deferring to Other Judges and Not Ruling – 8/12/21

Judge Simpkins Unreasonable HWOB – 8/12/21

Conduct of Judge Bereano – 7/27/21

Conduct of Judge Steuart – 7/23/21

Conduct of Judge Simpkins – Unaffordable Bonds – 7/23/21

Excessive and Unaffordable Bonds – 7/23/21

Judicial Obstruction of Adequate Representation – 7/23/21

Conduct of Judge and Police Search Marijuana – 7/9/21

Conduct of Judge Allen – 7/9/21

Detention without Apparent Ground – 6/30/21

Inappropriate Detention of Juvenile – 6/30/21

Unaffordable Bond – 6/23/21

Judge Carrington – Hardship of Conditions of Release – 6/8/21

Excessive Detention Rulings – 5/18/21

Setting of Unaffordable Bonds – 5/18/21

Negligent Detention on Baseless Warrant with Unaffordable Bond – 5/12/21

Setting of Unaffordable Bonds – 5/12/21

Unequal Access by Handicapped to Court – 5/12/21

Conduct of Judge Aarons – 4/21/21

Unjustified Denial of Bond – 4/21/21

Conduct of Judge Denton – 4/13/21

Setting of Unaffordable Bond Terms – 4/13/21

Unaffordable Bond – 4/6/21

Conduct of Judge Varner Lewis – 3/30/21

Unreasonable Bond Terms for a Juvenile Community Member – 3/30/21

Conduct of Judge Carrington – 3/23/21

Setting of Unaffordable Bond Terms – 3/23/21

Inappropriate and Unaffordable Bond, Unequal Treatment of Representation – 3/16/21

Unlawful Referral to Mental Health Court – 3/16/21

No-Bond Hold with No Stated Basis – 3/9/21

Detention and Unaffordable Bond without Probable Cause – 3/1/21

Excessively Long Detention without Bond, Conduct of ASA Denison – 3/1/21

Mental Health and Groundless Detention (follow-up to 12-28-20) – 2/23/21

Setting of Unaffordable Bond Terms – 2/16/21

Conduct of Judge Aarons – Denial of Representation – 2/8/21

Conduct of Judge Bereano – 2/8/21

Setting of Unaffordable Bond Terms – 2/8/21

Inappropriate Denial of Bond – 1/19/21

Setting of Unaffordable Bond – 1/19/21

Likely Undue Delay – 1/19/21

Mental Health Needs – 1/11/21

Conduct of Judge P. Lewis – 1/11/21

Improper Separation of Family – 1/4/21

Mental Health and Groundless Detention – 12/28/20

Domestic Violence Cases – 12/28/20

Mental Health Needs – 12/21/20

Health Needs – 12/21/20

Detention Without Significant or Known Charges – 12/21/20

Detention on Inappropriate Grounds – 12/21/20

Detention from False Trial Date, Uncorrected – 12/21/20

Discrimination Against the Responsible Mentally Ill – 12/17/20

Baseless Detention without Bond on Non-Violent Charges – 12/14/20

Conduct of Judge Allen – 12/14/20